Horror Movies Cujo (25th Anniversary Edition)
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Cujo (25th Anniversary Edition) Overview
In rural Maine, Vic and Donna Trenton (Hugh-Kelly and Wallace) struggle to repair their crumbling marriage, while their young son Tad (Danny Pintauro) befriends a hulking, lovable, 200-pound St. Bernard named Cujo. With Vic away on business, Donna and Tad take their decrepit car to be fixed at the remote farm of their mechanic (Lauter). As their aging Pinto sputters to a stop and dies, Cujo appears. But the once docile dog has undergone a hideous transformation - and becomes a slavering, demonic, killer possessed by almost supernatural strength...and unholy cunning. Critically acclaimed, CUJO is a fearsome, spine-chilling tour de force from the most popular name in horror!
Cujo (25th Anniversary Edition) Specifications
This 1983 adaptation of the Stephen King horror novel is the anti-Beethoven, the story of a rabid St. Bernard that terrorizes a community, tears up a few folks, and goes after a woman and her son. Once the point has been made that big, lovable Cujo has been bitten by a rabid bat, there isn't much more to say. The film is essentially a linear progression of doggy violence, though director Lewis Teague (The Jewel of the Nile)--building on King's implication that we all know what it's like to be afraid of a big, scary pooch--succeeds at making the fear almost primitive for an audience. --Tom Keogh
Horror Movies Customer Reviews
As everyone probably knows, "Cujo" is the story of an amiable St. Bernard that gets infected with rabies, andthrough a course of events terrorizes a woman and her son trapped in a car incapable.
Now, on the surface, that just does not seem the formula of a great horror film ... but if you stop there, you rob the film of his "bite", and YOURSELF Rob a great movie experience. While Some belabor the quality of the 'soap opera' in the first half of the film, my opinion is that if we are not inclined to care about the characters, there are a few 'indifferent to their condition in the secondhalf. Character development is so important, and in this case, is used to show us how this woman pays for his sins, but redeems itself.
First of all, you have a brilliant representation of the woman in question by the talented Dee Wallace (this woman should have won some Academy Awards down the line). During the first half of the film, we see his darker side as infidels, but his wife repented and that dialogue does not play a lot on the subject, his performance a woman who exudesmade a mistake and is paying for it with the guilt she is saddled with. When you reach the climax, Wallace takes on the role to a new level, giving the first a portrait of a woman of undeniable emotionally taxed to the breaking point, and a mother hell bent to protect your child.
Danny Pintauro, only six at the time, offers a portrait tour-de-force of the young, that cost us the physical and emotional act that we do not often see in players six times her age. The scenesself claustrophobic and chilling, and the camera work was a marvel to behold (look for the scene "spinning" at a point high voltage ... pure genius). The special effects make the cordial, friendly dog in a threatening and terrifying monster, red eyes and cheeks look drooling the gates of hell itself.
Add together the limited sense, explosive rages and unpredictable dog, and the stellar acting and cinematography, and you have one ofmore realistic, more relatable horror flicks, and most of the 80 staff.
Looking once again was a wonderful experience: the transfer is the best I've ever watched, and 5.1 audio mix was amazing ... you really feel like you're in that car ... the bonus behind the scenes feature was informative and fun to watch, loaded with facts and little curiosities that make the overall experience that much better.
For eleven dollars, you really should not miss this thesis, underwearclassic.
just enough in all avenues. A disaster only boredom. And 'boring. It is not scary. Giving a nod to go ahead Dee Wallace, but to give recognition to these people and the best of classic horror, bla bla bla, you're kidding $#^@# man? All of you are from a planet of silly lemming edge of the village, as these films seem to be shared from the same batch of people.
Just awful. It is not scary. its not suspense, it is not passionate or cunning, his only trash. Boring mundane nonsense incessantly.An attempt Rated scary, made by another director who butchers amazing novels. Tommyknockers terrible, terrible Pet Semetary, SNOOZE FEST Langoliers, The Dark Half-poor, the terrible storm of the century, Graveyard Shift brutally BAD .... but all those books were amazing.
CuCant and Cuwont, more like CUjoke.
... And that's all I have to say about this movie. I've always had a hard time hating the dog or be afraid of it. It looks too cute and cuddly. You can totally say that it is sitting there, being told to growl, but in truth, all he wants is just a bone and a hug. They must have picked up something like a black Doberman or something or some other kind of beast. But a little 'friendly St. Bernard? Speaking of miscasting for a role. I really wanted to like this film, but because ofthe choice of the dog, I could not and if anything, only that I was shocked to see this dog be artificially made to look evil and should all be so bruised all the time I was thinking, "awww." So good idea, wrong dog. If the public wants schmuse with it, will not be afraid of it.
cd was ok, but the package was severely damaged, it would be ok, but I was giving as a gift.
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