Horror Movies Mercury Man
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Mercury Man Overview
A supernatural substance becomes accidentally embedded in the body of an unsuspecting fireman, transforming him into the Superhuman Mercury Man.
Good: So many goofy references to Spider-Man.
Bad: No reference to the Hulk.
Good: The main character is Magneto.
Bad: At the last minute, the final boss suddenly Ice Man is completely out of the blue, and against everything that the film has said in the previous 90 minutes.
Good: Children's Day, where the Thai government calls its most valuable resource to listen to military propaganda.
Bad: It 's just one day a year.
Good: the gunner. Isee.
Bad: never be sure if you are a woman or ogling ladyboy.
If the movie ended 10 minutes earlier, when the gunner saves the day, I'd give six stars. As it is, we are given a final, futile, sell-out fight scene that violates the whole movie. The film was greedy and I feel the need to punish it.
Speaking of punishment, is not "War Zone".
At the time of its release, MERCURY MAN, first foray Thailand's in the superhero genre was one of the most expensive movie ever made in the country, but it's sad performance at the box office there does not bode well for the hopes of its producers that it would "go international "or have the box-office muscle of Spiderman Sam Raimi, the film was obviously modeled on, until the rubber costume nervous-the main character, which can be easily duplicated on a computer for those dazzlingflights of fancy through urban landscapes.
The film is flawed enough that he probably never stood a chance of cracking the international market, however. Glossy production values aside - and are often rare in Thai cinema - there's a strange sense that everything is some kind of thinly-veiled propaganda.
After being part of a mystical "Mercury Solar" amulet embedded in his chest, a fireman hot-shot (Vasan Kantha-U) must learn to control his temper (in a country knownfor the silencing of dissent, no less, not to mention alienating religious minorities) they are to defeat not only the various thugs around the city, but also a small group of Muslim extremists driven by a guy named "Osama", which looks rather unforunate Richard Lynch during the U.S. invasion classic Chuck Norris
The terrorists need the amulet, in pairs with his sister - the "Lunar Mercury" - to help their plans to attack the literal and symbolic American interests around the country(Helloooo, massive Hard Rock Cafe & McDonald's product placement!). Interestingly, the film features a young boy with psychic powers who opens the film, demonstrating its ability to stop the clock at will. Strange that they needed a scene like that ...
For the money spent on the filmmakers (which still was not much by American standards), everything looks pretty good, but the effects of the computer are hampered at a clear misunderstanding of the laws of physics bytheir creators, such as those that govern Mercury car Man kicked in a billboard, where it remains locked, rather than crashing through! Yes, I know it's a fantasy, and I can not accept Mercury Man's powers at the base of metal that allows him to "fly" between objects of metal without the help of machinery or ropes or webs, but can not stop posters cars!
The cast is generally quite boring, but it is expected that in Thai cinema. Pretty faces, but not so much expression, includingMercury youthful alter ego man should be removed for fear of catching on fire, as his groin is almost in a few glances at the police when Penthouse magazine hidden in the drawer.
The choreography of action, by Prachya Pinkaew and its ONG BAK / TOM YUM Goong team, are the main reasons why this is watchable, but there is a certain feeling about them now recycled, with only the more expensive costumes and modern-looking places them apart from those seen in previous films Tony JaaPinkaew and practically anything that has touched so far. On top of that, there's a hell of a lot to do editing in these sequences. Each shot is followed by a related immediate cut of a foreground or a long shot, which tends to stunt it is not clear how many are masked with each joint. Fans of BEAUTIFUL BOXER, the life story of transgender Muay Thai boxer Parinya Charoenphon could enjoy watching her, largely split apparently kicking the snot out of a gameof criminals in the white lab coat.
And the final fight between Mercury's and children's right hand man of evil, which has absorbed the power of the moon amulet Mercury, it is worth watching for a number of reasons, including transformation of the latter in a semi-naked warrior frost .
Although clearly intended as an overview of the A-list in his own country, and indeed, with its slick graphics and the pace airy feeling and looking much more like one in comparison to a lot of sloppilycrap that passes for the populist cinema there, MERCURY MAN is still better with lowered expectations, especially if you are not familiar with the Thai film, otherwise it is inevitable that the temptation to actually compare with the American superhero film so brazenly dares to you.
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