Horror Movies Island of the Fishmen
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Island of the Fishmen Overview
It's 1891: Lieutenant Claude de Ross (Claudio Cassinelli), a military doctor, and a few newly escaped convicts are shipwrecked on a mysterious tropical island. They soon come across a strange couple: the sadistic Edmund Rackham (Richard Johnson) and the beautiful Amanda Marvin (Barbara Bach). The doctor finds out that Amanda's father, professor Ernest Marvin (Joseph Cotten), is a mad scientist who is experimenting on horrible human-fish mutations. While Professor Marvin is convinced that he's doing his research for humanitarian motives, Rackham has other plans, since he has discovered an incredible secret lying beneath the island.
Horror Movies Customer Reviews
Even for this Italian Horror is slow, as slow, straggling editing but not convincing models fun script and illiterate. I am amazed that Barbara Bach and Joseph Cotton maintained their real names on the credits. Although Barbara Bach looksparticularly hot, and fierce Fishmen humanoids are moderately peculiar looking.
In many ways this is a good market typically Italian style exploitation film version. This is a rip off less The Island of Doctor Moreau (1977) with a plot headed by Atlantis stacked inside history as it is, is good enough for this genre, but slow and irrelevant actions then still flat. Moreover, the doctor is not called the island Dr. Moreau. His name is EdmondHackham Prof. Marvin and Ernest. This story is a lethargic pace that can not successfully live up to "The Island of Dr. Moreau" in terms of self-assured, but I found cheese simple entertainment.
Do not worry about this record is poor and when I tried to play my DVDs via increased to 1080 on my LCD-TV, the picture quality is atrocious movie. To make matters worse I thought or was at least hoping that this is or would Screamers somewhere. Please have some good quality companies release as Screamers Island Fishmen sounds like a Disney movie gone wrong.
I would like to preface by saying that in fact had no desire to see Fishmen Island. What I really wanted to see was Screamers (aka Something Waits in the Dark), which is a re-edited "horror" version of this same film. Unfortunately he did not see DVD Screamers, and after blowing my money on two VHS copies that were too worn to also see, I decided to settle for this version more widely available. Big mistake.
This is probably one of the by-the-books, predictable andsnore inducing monster movie I've ever seen. A doctor and wash some prisoners locked up on an island where some evil and a mad professor who created "men fish" that swim towards the lost city of Atlantis to collect the treasure in exchange for a dose of potion addiction. Good living happily, the bad guys meet their destiny, and the monsters that have little sparkle to their humanity that makes us say "hey, are not so bad after everything." Been there, seen that.
Thisa movie monster super cheap, from making up silly effects to nature footage inserted every five minutes. If you have a serious soft spot for low budget, obscure creature feautures and cheese, avoid Fishmen Island as the Red Death.
FISHMEN Island is one of three films of director Sergio Martino Adventure trilogy, which also includes BIG ALLIGATOR RIVER Shocker and Gore Mountain of the Cannibal God. In it, a boat overturns prison on an isolated island, where the surviving comrades fall prey to a kind of fishmen changed with a taste for blood! They soon discover that they are not alone and that there is more to fear in the doctor's secret work on the island. Much of 'action and horror hasultimately be reduced instead of the verbose dialogue in this particular cut of the film, but the island among many traps, traps, terrors and amphibians, the pace keeps a steady flow. Island bodied creature drawings and miniatures are very well made for the budget, pointing out Roger Corman humanoids from the deep that would follow two years later. If the film is the most fault in his family Z-movie plot, bland writing, and stock characters. FallMartin somewhere between the other two films for adventure, the island is a creature of FISHMEN moderately amusing feature that is sure to appeal to fans of Italian cinema.
I like horror movies
The steam was gone by the Italian cinema since the mid-70s `s, and from this moment (1979), it was just capitalizing on whatever knock-off 'flavor-of-month' film was popular. Even directors who once showed great flix like Sergio Martino ('Torso', 'All The Colors Of The Dark', 'cause Scorpion `s Tail', 'Strange Vice of Mrs. Wardha', 'Gambling City', ' Your Vice Is a Locked Room ', etc), jumped on this bandwagon with varying degrees of success. Ruggero Deodato struck gold with the originalmasterpiece of exploitation 'Jungle Holocaust' in `77, based in part on a cannibal tribe just discovered in South America (no joke), and Sergio hit w / 'slave of the Cannibal God' / 'Mountain of the Cannibal God', the following years to get back into the jungle to film is 'Big Alligator River' and 'Island Fishmen' which both had the same actors and locations, for the most part. This is less than the exploitation of others mentioned, but it `s Creature equally 'blackLagoon ',' Island of Doctor Moreau ',' Jungle Holocaust ', and the creatures seem to be those' horror Beach Party '(1964). This is low-class-cheese-on-the-sea, for certain - as evil, weak screenplay, sets cheap, ridiculous monsters, you name it, it `s so good. It `s okay if you like campy monster Flix and want a few laughs, but little else. The only real horror here is hearing Italian actors speak with English accents. These films showed Barbara Bach was just eye-candy, and the cursewas a 'Bond' girl has struck again - not always an actress went on to become something bigger after being in one. Sad but true.
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