Horror Movies The Texas Chainsaw Massacre
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The Texas Chainsaw Massacre Overview
This sensational, extremely influential, 1974 low-budget horror movie directed by Tobe Hooper (Poltergeist, Lifeforce, Salem's Lot), may be notorious for its title, but it's also a damn fine piece of moviemaking. And it's blood-curdling scary, too. Loosely based on the true crimes of Ed Gein (also a partial inspiration for Psycho), the original Jeffrey Dahmer, Texas Chainsaw Massacre follows a group of teenagers who pick up a hitchhiker and wind up in a backwoods horror chamber where they're held captive, tortured, chopped up, and impaled on meat hooks by a demented cannibalistic family, including a character known as Leatherface who maniacally wields one helluva chainsaw. The movie's powerful sense of dread is heightened by its grainy, semi-documentary style--but it also has a wicked sense of humor (and not that camp, self-referential variety that became so tiresome in subsequent horror films of the '70s, '80s, and '90s). OK, in case you couldn't tell, it's "not for everyone." But as a landmark in the development of the horror/slasher genre, it ranks with Psycho, Halloween, and A Nightmare on Elm Street. --Jim Emerson
Horror Movies Customer Reviews
*** This review is a copy from my old account that was canceled due to someone hacking - so no plagiarism here :)***
There were too many people who have sung the praises of this movie reference, and I could do little to add to what has happened before, suffice to say that I totally agree that this is one of, if not the, horror film more important since the birth of the genre. No other film I can think out of the many (and I meanMany) horror films I've seen that in conversations with other fans, people describe graphic scenes that recall the film that did not happen on the screen. I do not think any other movie has had that kind of power that only through the mere suggestion creates images so vivid and complete that they are remembered as true ... which is a testament to his power.
This two-disc special edition is excellence squared. I have owned a previous "re-mastered" issue, but this transfersimply blows away the old ... is fresh and clean, but not too clean, do not miss that cinema veritas "documentary" feel, but it is definitely the best print I've ever seen. For audio, it is a choice of mono remastered original or a new 5.1 mix which sounds fantastic in my home theater system ... environmental sounds alone were enough to give me goose bumps as screening.
For special features, two documentaries are very informative and entertaining. TheTour home "is not all what I expected, but it's fun for us fans. Along with the fine still galleries and deleted scenes (which most were expectedly but unfortunately without sound), this makes a fine addition to any horror collection, and is indispensable for fans TCM.
Highly recommended for fans of the series, genre, and horror movies in general.
I do not care for the tin then released special edition. This DVD seems to be just right for a long time ago and integeral any horror collection.
This film is the granddaddy of all horror films. This is the one that changed everything!
When in 50 years, was the horror of space aliens, zombies and assorted blobs, the original "Texas Chain Saw Massacre" staged appearance of the average middle-class people get lost in the belly of rural America and address inbred "families" with dark secrets and strange behavior. Often repeated, often sequeled, and often raised for "new audiences", the originalTexas Chain Saw Massacre is still by far the best! Why ruin a good thing?!
The collector's edition is superior in many ways. This is a two DVD editions. The DVD is clogged parts with comments and behind the scenes action and curiosity. The DVD film is completely restored in high definition quality.
The moral of this story? Could it be that a whole family working for years in a slaughterhouse sees any living being deserves to be slaughtered andclothes off? Could it be that a whole family loves is old "Grandpa", he insisted that both possess and wield the stick to make the final kill?
Leatherface is pretty gruesome. So is the guy with the huge desire. So is the father jokester. But "Grandpa is" the best! It is a 'one hitter! '
"The Texas Chain Saw Massacre," Tobe Hooper's 1974 original, is one of my favorite movies ever. It has a certain atmosphere and visual style / cinematic brilliance in my opinion was only in the field of horror John Carpenter "The Thing", Sam Raimi "The Evil Dead ', and Dario Argento's" Suspiria. " It 'a real treat for the senses (visual, aural) for those fascinated by the macabre.
The best way to see the film (besides watching a movie in print) is toSeriously look at the UK Ultimate Edition Blu-ray (BD) released by Second Sight. I'm not sure if it is region free, but it does play on Region A players, and can be ordered from Amazon UK's website. Note, however, that there are extras that are standard definition in PAL format, which does not play unless the TV that it manages. (Most high-definition televisions sold in the U.S., not a restriction imposed by manufacturers and more frustrating, perhaps, film distributors and TV shows as well.)
And I haveseen both versions, and the reason I say that the UK BD is better than the U.S. BD published by Dark Sky Films is simple detail. Both come from the restoration and the same HD master managed / supervised by Synapse Films' Don May, Jr., but the release of the United States suffer from severe reduction of noise. There is talk of grain and grain removal result in a very soft, looks gloomy. It is not a presentation of all horrible, but it does the roots of 16 mm filmjustice.
BD UK show quite a bit 'rough grain, and the rest of the image details are intact as well. Mind you, it IS a movie rather soft, and shot 16 mm in the first half of the 70s, so do not expect super fine detail - but there is much to see there that Which Is the disc properly managed UK and not so much the U.S..
Light is used properly with the disc of the United Kingdom as well. If the source is the sun or a light bulb, the light seems very natural andradiant on this version, giving off a natural light, while the disc of the United States seems flat and boring. With regard to contrast light and dark, the disc of the United Kingdom also seems sufficiently dark when necessary (shaded areas, night scenes, and shadows), and properly illuminated during the day and within scenes, while the issue of Member United is a bit 'weak in this regard.
There is a question of color difference. The analysis of the disc UK has found much deeper and warmer. The reds are generallya bit 'redder-orange disk of the United States, but I find the reds and other colors more accurately a low-budget 16 mm shot in 1973 (it was filmed in the summer of that year). You may view the full resolution screencap comparisons between the two versions, as well as between the United States and Austrian BD Caps in-a-Holic. Notice that the version Austrian similar version United States did But more detail and more radiant. I would buy this end, but it is obviously expensiveimport, is a limited edition, and is locked-B Region. (Eventually I plan on getting a Region B Blu-ray player to exploit the great Region B BD-locked released in the UK and other parts of Europe, but not for some time.) Regardless, based on screencaps, I find the issue of the UK to be much more visually pleasing than the Austrian and probably more accurate of the movies and HD sources. The Austrian version seems too light with not more rich in contrasts as the freeing of the United Kingdom, andThis seems to be more detail on the release of the United Kingdom as well.
So if you want my recommendation, I say skip the U.S. Dark Sky Blu-ray this movie, and get the UK Second Sight Blu-ray instead (you can order from Amazon.co.uk). This is a much more visual presentation of what is available here, and once again, will take place on a Region A Blu-ray player. Suffice to say that all extras are in standard definition PAL, so you do not do any good unless your TV and the BD player arecan handle the video signal. BD UK is really a pleasure, and contains the original mono, 2.0 lossless PCM, DTS and 5.1 audio tracks. Highly recommended for fans of this masterpiece of horror enthusiasts and high-definition.
Regarding the issue of the United States, I give it three stars. It's not a terrible transfer, and all the extras are playable course in the United States. However, since seeing the UK version, I'm not going to look once again the U.S. regarding the main feature.
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