Horror Movies Party 7
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Party 7 Overview
Cult filmmaker and popular commercial director Katsuhito Ishii (SHARK SKIN MAN AND PEACH-HIP GIRL, THE TASTE OF TEA) brings you seven of the strangest characters you'll ever meet. Yakuza punk Miki checks into the remote New Mexico hotel to hide out after stealing a case of gang loot. Not long after, Miki's old flame Kana and her new, geeky boyfriend Todohira show up to collect on a debt, but are soon followed by Miki's elder gang brother Sonoda, who's looking for the stolen money. Meanwhile, shy peeping tom Okita hides out in a secret room built by the mysterious Captain Banana, and both are watching the whole proceedings. Finally, hot on Miki and Sonoda's trail is oddball mob assassin Wakagashira, who's also got a strange obsession for plastic model kits! Throw all these personalities together in the same hotel room and it's a recipe for a party of mistaken identities, sexy comedy and violence. Mixing the spirit of Quentin Tarantino with comic book aesthetics - and an eye-poppingly gorgeous production design - PARTY 7 is an unforgettable portrait of seven weirdos trapped in a cycle of craziness that will have you alternately laughing and gasping with surprise.
Horror Movies Customer Reviews
Synopsis derived in part from the back cover:
Flunk yakuza Miki (Masatoshi Nagase) remote controls "Hotel New Mexico" in hiding after stealing a suitcase of money Yakuza. Not long after, Miki's old girlfriend Kana (Akemi Kobayashi, the hottie on the cover of the DVD) shows to collecton an old debt, but are soon followed by her current "boyfriend "(?), Todohira and elder gang brother Sonoda Miki, who is trying to recover the stolen money gang. Meanwhile, shy peeping Tom Okita (Tadanobu Asano, Ichi the Killer), is hidden in a secret room built by the enigmatic "Captain Banana (Yoshio Harada), who are both watching the proceedings with interest voyeuristic. Finally, hot on Miki and Sonoda trail is oddball Wakagashira murderess, who has a strange obsession with plasticmodel kit! Throw all these characters together in a hotel room and is a recipe for mistaken identities, sexy comedy and violence.
Ishii's film captures the spirit of Quentin Tarantino with the aesthetics of the comic without irony twisted. The film is an unforgettable portrait of seven wierdos caught in a spiral of madness that never stops. The opening animation sequence gives us a quick background character is very elegant and witty, may well claim the price ofthis dvd alone. The entire film is bound to have a huge cult following. Sure, this movie may not be for everyone, but if you are familiar with Japanese films and their comedy a bit 'dark then this film is just right for you. The film exudes a lot of "Hella is cool" attitude in its process that takes place in an enclosed space.
The way the story is structured is very clever because it provides the details too much, and that any detailrevealed at that time, really makes no sense. But slowly and humor as the plot begins to unravel, then everything makes perfect sense, until the last moment that the film has finished rolling the last of the credits. "Party 7" is definitely focused on his direction as to what is trying to do, may well be the epitome of what a cult film, some people will love it and some guys will be rejected by the film. Characters outrageously strange but interestingsupported by a funny screenplay, which has a lot of dialogue (much like a blow Tarantino) and "quippy one-liners that will make you laugh in a rather 'uncomfortable. There is a lot of nonsense in the movie that does for its lack of action sequences. There are cameras cheap, knock-off Armani suits latex, a super-hot chick and the Japanese captain Banana, which may well be the most outrageous character I have met.
main strength of the film lies in its "part" of unique charactersexpressing their depth and charisma really strange just look at them. There is a lot in terms of character development and we do not know much of their past, but what really works for the film is its excellent storytelling and narrow Ishii added details to their customs and mannerisms. For example, Sonoda Enforcer is top of the head, then wearing a presumably expensive and performs an intimidating presence (for a time anyway), Kana oozes pure sexAppeal (Akemi Kobayashi does so well) and Okita is a "pervert in the bathroom, so pay extra attention to what kind of clothes they wear. All these factors come together so well that I had to take different angles to capture every subtle attempt at humor. Try not to blink so you can see every attempt Intelligent quirky humor. Although the prosecution is embarked details on each character, their appearance alone and the dialogue gives us a vast history of eachthem.
Director Katsushito Ishii mixes and blends a lot of styles in this spectacular film that includes comedy, irony extravagant sci-fi (?), Loyalty and pride, yellow, and the usual stereotypical notions that men want the sex and money, while girls are after $ $, or in this case a lot of yen. With its opening sequence of souls, there is also a bit 'style' cyberpunk and fortunately the film is well controlled by its director who has not suffered too much cooked and be overstated. Itin so many directions that it is a true wonder who managed to put it all together with this credibility. The film has some unanswered questions and if Ishii is a sequel called "Party 8", are all inside!
Ultimately, I really enjoyed this movie. I realize that the film is an acquired taste, but it is a very high recommendation from me to all those who love Japanese cinema, and even those who are not, but only moviegoers with our big boy QTsensational style.
After all, with a character named "Captain Banana and Akemi Kobayashi, providing pleasure for the eyes, how can this movie miss?!
Highly recommended! [4 ½ stars]
Note: Be sure to see the movie until the end of the credits.
Akemi Kobayashi rules! (Check out the cover)
My friends seem to enjoy this more than I did. One of the things I like best about Japanese cinema is that films can throw out some really wild and unpredictable. Of course you can cannibalize to the point of doing anything that was original seems boring. However, it seems that there is always someone there that can make a film that will surprise you. In the case of Party 7 is the writer / director Katshuhito Ishi, who has managed to incorporate some ofMost of the strangest things. Most of the film is set in a hotel room in New Mexico, with the story of seven people and a suitcase of cash, which converge in a dingy hotel (thoughtfully provided with a room peeping), has a great comic potential, but somehow becomes a misfire long. It 's a shame too, since the material is quite funny.
First, you have Captain Banana, a nosy super suit (whose refuge is the room above) and Dream-logic beans, TadanobuAsano, like a pervert just out of prison, and Banana's new best friend. Then there Masatoshi Nagase (Stereo Future) as a thief, rockabilly, and the murderess African sports and stone cold gangsters on his tail. You also have a couple roughly corresponding strange: a tragic uber-hip UN nerd and his sexy girlfriend (Akemi Kobayashi, Antena), whose interests may or may not be entirely of type gold-digging. To crown it all there is the history of manure from the sky (almost certainly not a speardung, like the path was not a parabolic arc) that bookends the whole piece. Everything is artistically and technically sound, with excellent camera work, lighting, direction and acting, but as a tale told by a class clown who loves his jokes, this is a bit 'too elaborate for his own good.
Although this film was mildly entertaining and it reminded me of the first works QT and the film "Four Rooms". If I change one thing in this film would becharacters. The roles that they played could be made more enjoyable, rather than having them yell at each other in a hotel room for almost two hours? However, this film may leave you feeling drained and can not appeal to all viewers, but for those who like to see something a bit 'outside the walls then I strongly recommend Party 7.
Well, since the review that made me check this out (the always exciting Woopak) is the only film on this little jewel of worship until now, I'll give it a shot. "Party 7" essentially begins with the vision of a man to urinate minutes (this is worthwhile in the end, believe it or not) and ends with a funny joke in the world stern. If you're still with me after the disclosure of short, this movie is probably for you. And 'pointless plotless, often perverse, and the best thing is chaotic. Arestill not sure how much of what is good and what is bad, but I had a good time in both cases. Exactly how long if a last scene that involves a man telling another about a piece of excrement that fell from heaven? I do not know, but apparently director Katsuhito Ishii thought long and hard. It came up with the right answer too, apparently. So yes, this film is a strange one.
The credit sequence for "Party 7" sold me right off the bat. It's five minutes ofanimation fashion so cool and bizarre that you suggest that in an hour and a half more kicks sh $ z! + Known to man. It is worth the price of admission alone, really. Too bad the rest of the film is not as good. Then we presented a voyeur Young and his partner in crime Banana-captain who wears a costume befits its name ("CB" on his belt and all) - that leads to one of two rooms that the public spend Most ofin this film, which is a personal room CB peek up guests at the hotel. Guests are head on will consist of five people: a girl crazy-sexy, her ex-boyfriend who owes her money, her boyfriend who follows her into the room and engages her ex in a fight worthy of the Three Stooges, the exes brother who comes to beat down the stolen money from a robbery, and a nervous / psychotic killer who comes to kill everyone involved. Add the sake and his captain Protogothose five and you have "Party 7".
Most of this film consists of jokes and weird conversations extravagant. The animation, you start to believe that there is plenty of action, but that just is not so. Not that it's misleading, I totally get the kitsch idealized, but that the initial credit sequence is so cool that something terrible would fall short after it. The amount of time spent describing (and revived) an incident in which a womanallowed young friend CB peek its low-region is alarming and funny at the same time. The two also spend some time countdown Captain Banana peeps greatest of all time. There is more of a toupee gag too; wears a classic comedy / cliche if ever there was one. The climax features a man dressed in polar bear (Mr. Polar), the emergence of shoulder Banana's Captain (Captain Yellow), and the appearance of the gunman described above, which launches a hysterically chaoticchain of dialogue and rapid-fire camera cuts ends with a fun discovery regarding the case are all fighting over.
I apologize if my opinion is a bit 'anarchist, but this is the nature of this film. Try to discuss how to do it with a block of gold film would be a monumental task indeed. This is a film about bad taste, kooky humor and eccentric characters. There are some decent special features including an alternate ending on the DVD rather boring, a "making of" bits, and aconversation with the ringmaster / director of this madness. "Party 7" manages to emerge as an oddity, even in show business mad Japanese. And this is a good thing. I think. If you're up for a taste of the bizarre, so be prepared to laugh out loud and scratch your head, this is a doozy.
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