Horror Movies Book of Lore / Grave Mistakes (Horror Double Feature)
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Book of Lore / Grave Mistakes (Horror Double Feature) Feature
Book of Lore / Grave Mistakes (Horror Double Feature) Overview
BOOK OF LORE: Twenty years ago, in the town to Latonsville, a notorious serial killer known as “The Devil’s Left Hand” kidnapped eleven babies and left local police stumped. When Rick (Aj Hyde) discovers his girlfriend has been murdered in the same grotesque fashion as The Devil’s Left Hand crimes, he begins a quest to unravel his town’s unspeakable past. Using a cryptic encyclopedia of local murders called The Book of Lore, Rick and his friends race against time to unlock the secrets of the past. GRAVE MISTAKES: When a grave robber tries to barter with an eccentric antiques dealer, the two trade stories rather than goods. Tales of zombies, vampires, and ghosts are told upstairs while an unspeakable horror waits in the basement.
Horror Movies Customer Reviews
Book Of Lore / serious errors:
I think I waited more than a week to review this disc in order to avoid that flows like Roger Ebert or Stephen King. The fact is, the writer / director Chris Lamartina (Dead Teenagers) and co-writer and producer Jimmy George really what they are doing. How to: give these guys some real money to know. Maybe interference study would have a deleterious effect on their work, but from where I sit these two are among the most promisinglow-budget horror filmmakers working today. Both features of this disc are a little goofy, too, so if you can not stand with your horror-ah ah, you are warned. But if you want to be in the hands of the fellows who know the horror audience like the back of hands, this is the starting point.
Book Of Lore:
Rick (AJ Hyde) discovers his town girl killed in a horrible, morbid as things start heating. The killings appear to mimic the cases are decades old thought put to rest,and soon Rick and his friends are thinking of a revenant came back to finish his work. Of course nobody really believes them, so they are forced to investigate on their own, using the recently discovered book of traditions, scribbled a tome that seems to predict the murders.
As there is nothing new under the sun, terrible, it's nice to see the level of originality gathered by this script, a love that he pours tons of respect on some familiar ideas. LAMARTINA the viewer never tries to pretendnot familiar with what is selling, but he lets us know that we are walking this road together, and he intends to be the best guide that can be damned. The basics are all here and done well, solid-room work, editing, and anything else that usually travel to other low-budget filmmakers. And even if none of the talent on display is what is called professionals, their performance is seriously flawed and do not lean towards fun.
A bit 'of gore and a little' fear has never hurt ahorror movie, and again, LAMARTINA squeezes the most out of what he has, to create some amazing effects and atmosphere cheap. Where this movie really outshines the others in its genre is its intelligence and cunning. This film is so clever and well-rhythm is simply a pleasure to watch. When things settle into a groove, some form of off-the-wall humor, (like the town bully, uttering "back off, Bob Ross," a type of art) and homage to another film, or odd, subtle twist on cropsto keep you on your toes.
Lamartina encyclopedic knowledge of and respect for the conventions of horror, the more its seemingly infallible ability to easily adapt, do a fantastic Book Of Lore, fear frugal find.
Grave Errors:
Horror anthologies make for easy viewing: they are easily sold, too, but as a horror novel in short, are not so easy to do as you might think. Serious errors, however, seems to have been a lot of fun to do, perhaps the mostbecause it is fun to watch. Have you heard right, this slight, sometimes stupid low-budget horror anthology much rather scratch all your itches horror in abbreviated form, even if it is a bit 'light on sex and gore. But then the sex and blood are not the only things that low-budget horror is all about, and considering that this film (complete with audio commentary and a making-of featurette) is included as a bonus with Book Of Lore, is a serious error mixture difficult to resist.
One can not argue that these films are going to scare the hell out of you or surprise you with gory effects, but a few minutes to look at Lamartine and George in action will convince you that these guys know exactly what they are doing, and they do very well. Anyhorror fans will have fun with Book Of Lore and serious errors.
Both features are available in widescreen 1.85:1, and both look relatively decent. With two and some extra features crammed onto one disc, the compression is going to take some 'toll, mostly in the form of lower levels of posterization and downs of detail in the background. Since these are the images in micro-budget, one can assume that the cameras were not used to high end - at least the image does not appearIn this way, sometimes it seems a bit 'soft and grainy, while at other times sporting a crisp video quality. The colors are generally decent, but the black levels are not very deep. Overall, not a DVD image that will wow, but it's pretty good, considering.
View more knowledge of 'what people want', Lamartine and George, in their commentary tracks for both functions are nice enough, during the credits sequence, going so far as running down the type of cameraequipment they used. And 'this kind of reflection shows that these guys really understand their audience. Both comments are quite amusing, while offering lots of information for those curious about independent film. An eight-minute Radio Interview / Stills sequence is lightweight but fun, is like a five-minute segment on the film and CineMaryland Book Of Lore (think local morning infotainment shows). Also included are lots of Camp Motion Pictures trailers, trailer Bookand easy to find Easter Egg. Serious errors (in addition to the commentary track) has a 12-minute making-of featurette, which follows suit with everything else here, is intelligent and accommodating.
Final Thoughts:
The usually low-budget film team Lamartina Chris George and Jimmy know their stuff inside and out, and it really shows. The two standard features on this DVD are not the scariest, goriest things you have seen - are mostly for fun. That said, chills and laughsare provided in abundance. These sleek and stylish features are so well promoted, with many subtle twists thrown in all the right places, which seems almost to read your mind. Fans of the humble, low-budget horror these features are directly Fun.
Kurt Dahlke
Grab This Collector's future is concerned, while you can! terrific plot and great acting to make "cheap" chills in the best sense of the word. There is something home-made horror, if well done, offering a unique kind of thrill disturbing. Add a few laughs and you have a winner. Invite your friends, insert the disc and pass out the snacks --- and NOT SPLIT UP!
I had just learned of Chris La Martina and Jimmy George by a friend, it was indie-film makers to come up and be a filmmaker myself I had taken an interest in this film, I must say after veiwing ive seen the the future of horror and Chris La Martina, I recommend this film to any film buff, ok I know that the DVD artwork isn't the greatest, but do not let that sway you, get this movie and keep your eyes open for the next day we feature Presidents!
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