Horror Movies Wedding Slashers
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Wedding Slashers Overview
Jenna dreams of finding the perfect man and getting married. When she plans to marry Alex, the terrible secrets from her past have come back to torment her.
Horror Movies Customer Reviews
The film opens with a gruesome double murder infirst six minutes, and gory thrill never leaves there. All 80 minutes of this film are full of brutal murder, plot twists and snappy dialogue funny. The characters are 'real' in-depth enough that by the end of the film are attached to them in a way. Writing and directing are brilliant. I can not say enough nice things to what this was made on a small budget.
The plot, without giving too much away, surrounding the pain and the loss of a girl, Jenna, wasin his life. Death surrounds it, so it's no surprise when his marriage turns into a murderfest. The reason is the twist, and I will not be the one to spoil that for you, the viewer.
Look, you can see my reviews and others say, I'm pretty honest. If a movie sucks, so to speak. But Wedding Slashers is the surprise smash hit of the year and a must for those who love horror, especially horror with humor and bite.
Recommended maximum.
and the fact that I wasted my time watching this terrible excuse for a film. The plot (if you can call it that) was full of holes, and takes bits and pieces of other bad horror movie. The 'agency' was a joke, and it made me laugh, sometimes I would have to be servile. Clothes ... I could go to, but my word for it, this film is a D, and I wonder to 5 stars, and I'd bet that they are connected or related to someone who is, in this film. This is the logicalexplanation, please save your money on this!
First of all, I just want to make it clear that this film very much. I've seen it 4 times. You must be crazy to think that this will be 100 million dollars in Hollywood. The point of watching a movie is fun, and if your not entertained by Wedding Slashers obviously have no sense of humor. Technically it's supposed to be a horror movie, but I would classify it as more of a comedy. Most of the acting is so-so, but Jessica Kinney carries this film quite well. Ifyou want a good laugh, and the ability to listen to some of the most memorable and funny lines in movie history, Slashers marriage is perfect. And you probably do not spend more than $ 5.00 with shipping for the film. You have nothing to lose, I promise.
I saw Slashers wedding in a local video store that was going out of business and selling all their stocks. With the title and the cover, it seemed that it would be a good movie bad cheese, stupid, and fun to watch. And it was - except for the "fun".
It 'hard to describe how terrible it is. The story makes little sense, even after all the twists are "explained". Nothing of any character does not seem justified, despite the fact that the characters sometimes inexplicably explain theirreasons aloud. The story behind the bad is totally ridiculous and unbelievable. And every aspect of production - writing, acting, even the lighting - is uniformly incompetent. I've seen better production values in works of community college students (I'm not kidding about that!).
For some reason, people seem to praise the scenes where the bad guys ramble on a lot of irrelevant nonsense in some attempt to play horrible pain. None of these scenes (and theremany are) really have anything funny happen to them, they are useless in the story, and ultimately only waste time. And it's pretty sad that a film of 80 minutes it feels so long.
If you're watching this movie, or are expected to be good or bad and scary and fun. In any case, it will be terribly disappointed. Avoid it.
Neither Mary nor her lamb could save this movie, or want to see. The actors and actress' are inspired, armor, and emotionless. The plot is awful and the direction is the equivalent of a movie at home. Do not rent this film unless you are looking for a smile and a very exaggerated gore.
However, the film's first couple of minutes to follow the life of a newlywed couple. The acting and plot in this part of the movie is tolerable and even abit 'funny. The problem is, its basically just an open fear rather than an opener in the same plot. Beyond these first three minutes of the film, "Wedding Slashers" is a rotten piece of cake.
Note: I never rate anything a star or two. Everything has its flaws, but this is beyond bearable. A usually easy pleaser was dissatisfied.
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