Horror Movies Jason and the Argonauts
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Jason and the Argonauts Overview
Jason, son of the King of Thessaly, sails on the Argo to the land of Colchis to capture the Golden Fleece.
Jason and the Argonauts Specifications
Arguably the most intelligently written film to feature the masterful stop-motion animation of Ray Harryhausen, Jason and the Argonauts is a colorful adventure that takes full advantage of Harryhausen's "Dynarama" process. Inspired by the Greek myth, the story begins when the fearless explorer Jason (Todd Armstrong) returns to the kingdom of Thessaly to make his rightful claim to the throne, but the gods proclaim that he must first find the magical Golden Fleece. Consulting Hera, the queen of gods, Jason recruits the brave Argonauts to crew his ship, and they embark on their eventful journey. Along the way they encounter a variety of mythic creatures, including the 100-foot bronze god Talos, the batlike Harpies, the seven-headed reptilian Hydra, and an army of skeletons wielding sword and shield. This last sequence remains one of the finest that Harryhausen ever created, and it's still as thrilling as anything from the age of digital special effects. Harryhausen was the true auteur of his fantasy films, and his brilliant animation evokes a timeless sense of wonder. Jason and the Argonauts is a prime showcase for Harryhausen's talent--a wondrous product of pure imagination and filmmaking ingenuity. --Jeff Shannon
Horror Movies Customer Reviews
Perhaps one of the most underrated of his works, but without doubt the most well-received, Ray Harryhuasen Jason and the Argonauts, probably ranks as one of the most iconic fantasy films of Greek and a lasting testimony to the magic of the screen and the influence of the 'man himself, even more than Clash of the Titans. How Clash, is another of those beautifully cast production with that slight vibration to it Thespian and a lot of fun visual effects that made Harryhausenseems so ahead of his time. Compared to the Clash looked recently, I discovered that Jason did for the theater is much better in fiction and screenwriting. Both have their fair share of the jumble of Greek mythology and an adventurous quest for their heroes. But as a production deficit of nearly two decades, Jason was clearly something to see, then, contrary to Clash, who barely looked more advanced. However, it is still to make a great nostalgia for those fantasy worlds andimagination of many young at the time. I'm not quite sure how to describe it, but every time watching Harryhausen flicks I have this feeling of "truly inspired," if that makes sense. So many movies today rely heavily on CG effects and other links, which are not bad, mind you. But to see something as simple as Stop Motion, I am surprised at how good it is in reality still seems, despite the differences in technology between now and then. That said, I think this was myfirst time actually seeing Jason to the end. For a movie made in the '60s, I must say that I enjoyed quite a bit '. Apart from the graphics, has some very good elements of adventure, drama, and the plot. But what's with the sudden end? Just when things really started to exciting fight to the end of the skeleton, is over. From what I've read the myth, however, the real story is quite violent and tragic, and probably would not have settled for this feature G-rated.Oh, well.
Video - 4.5
I've never seen on DVD and have only seen bits and pieces on TV when I was a kid, so do not really have any kind of material for comparison. However, having seen Harryhausen's Clash on BD, I can say that Jason seems infinitely better. Being a low-budget film of the '60s with some very tight constraints of work, I think Jason looks phenomenal in those circumstances. The colors do not seem very lively, but have a very natural qualitythem, while the contrast really gives tones and shades object a kind of "earthiness". black levels and shadow delineation are not very deep, but provide an accurate representation of everything on the screen. detail of the images is what surprises me most. There is a thin layer of grain theater that really gives the film an old-school look, but in high definition. You can see a lot of little texture in costume, the lines and cracks in the wood, and a nice little sheen effectduring the shooting day. The big difference I see between this and The Clash is the noise level. As clear as the picture is of Jason, it seems there is no trace of DNR, and I am amazed that a film of this caliber can look this good. The Stop Motion sequences and matt will definitely stick out like a sore thumb, but for the age of the film and all the other things, this is as good as you can look sans the possibility of image manipulation.
Audio - 4.5
Evenan update is surprising that DTS-HD 5.1 track. I'm sure the film had its limits, but the fact that Sony has gone through the trouble of remastering from scratch is a good show of effort in my book. Dialogue remains clear through the central channel, while a majority of the sound escapes from the sides. The rears occasionally pick up some effects and Bernard Herrmann's wonderful score and provide a good sense of immersion and directionality. Moments that particularly caught my earwere on their way through the water. I swear I thought it was raining outside and the wind was on my window, but was actually the sound of wind, waves, sloshing water, and the creaking of the ship in the movie. I never thought a lossless track remastered 60s could make fun of it. High and low ends are managed well through the music, voices and noises creature as well. There are a number of LFEs, though. They exist in the form of verysound of light, but these limited sources to work, I can say that I'm not disappointed at all. Bravo to the people of Sony for making this fine piece with no loss of data as possible.
Extra - 4.5
This includes many features that are both BD-exclusive and completely new to me. By far the most interesting piece is the audio commentary with Tony Dalton, and man himself, Ray Harryhausen. The comment was made in collaboration with the remastering of the film BD, soHarryhausen also got to see her work in HD. The song has a very good pace and provides a wealth of information and factoids behind the film, Harryhausen's career, and those little curiosities that make you really appreciate the kind of guy he is. It 'friendly and fun to listen to, because something about 90 at the time of registration and still kickin'. The second commentary features director guru Peter Jackson and his visual effects wizard Randall WilliamCook. They go deep beyond the nostalgia of the film and what it meant to grow up idolizing their Harryhausen for his work, as well as giving general advice on the technical aspects of the film. It makes a nice sort of comment "tribute", but I'm surprised and happy that they went out of their way just to do it in the first place. The rest of the extras are interviews, retrospectives and presentations (one narrated by Leonard Nimoy!) Looking back and reflecting onthe inspiration provided by Harryhausen work, what he did for the film industry, and the story of his career. I do not think I've ever been so immersed in a range of information for a man, but I definitely found it all very interesting, though.
Overall - 4.5
All his creations may have been before me, but I personally find the work of Ray Harryhausen to be fascinating. His attention to detail, love for the process, and imagination are terribledone wonders over the decades, and it's in honor of discovering itself as a sort of young puppy. With a great sense of adventure, good A / V quality, and a host of special features lighting, Jason and the Argonauts is highly recommended to fans of the fantasy genre, and is a must for connoisseurs of cinema.
Jason sailed in Blu-ray in my living room faster than I thought it would. E 'condition is perfect.
I first saw Jason as a young teenager when he won awards in theaters. In subsequent decades, sometimes I remember how much fun I had as a child watching Ray Harryhausen's amazing special effects to the big screen.
I am very pleased to add this edition Blu-ray for my film library. Now if only they would stop the Sony Corporation
dragging his feet and put inBlu-ray movie that I consider the most amazing and breathtaking film
ever made, Lawrence of Arabia, I'd be a happy man.
The film is a classic, no doubt there. However, if you have a good blueray player as my LG, then get this movie in blueray is a waste of money.Yes there are very few scenes where you can see the difference, but 98% of films in standard DVD is just perfect . Again I can not speak for the blueray players, LG player but I really makes the DVD look almost as BlueRay quality anyway.
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