Horror Movies Mary Reilly
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Mary Reilly Overview
The story of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde told from the perspective of his maid, Mary Reilly.
Mary Reilly Specifications
Stephen Frears reunites with the production talents who made the tempting Dangerous Liaisons for this new look at the infamous Dr. Jekyll (a deft John Malkovich). Instead of being in the laboratory where the good doctor unlocks his evil twin, we stay in the mansion overlooking the lab. An inquisitive, proper maid, Mary Reilly (Julia Roberts) slowly becomes Dr. Jekyll's confidant. Rather than a horror story, the film is a spooky mystery that keeps us in the dark, and what a wonderful dark Frears and his designers have fashioned. Roberts carries the movie, digging deep for her best dramatic work to date. Though some may wish she'd show more passion, she holds her emotions appropriately in check. The movie faced considerable, well-documented troubles, including the reshooting of several scenes months after the initial production. This probably affected the finale, which has little impact and nearly ruins a good thing. --Doug Thomas
Horror Movies Customer Reviews
If you know the background of the original work of Scottish author Robert Louis Stevenson, you know that is split personality emerged that within each of us there is a possibilityof good and evil and that every human being, if all virtue is kindness removed [, compassion, love, hope, charity, faith] is capable of committing atrocities and go back to animal instincts.
The duality we find in ourselves, if not addressed in an effort to understand our mistakes, they can create characters that the design of evil upon others, surfacing rage, anger, depression and lack of self-esteem. Human beings who do not deal with their inner demons end view of outer respectabilitywhich is nothing but a mask for hypocrisy social sins inner tendency, be it lust, gluttony, avarice, sloth, wrath, envy or pride.
The film is set in London and the plot for the most part, takes place in the palace, with an intuitive and curious Mary Reiley provide its interpretation of the conflict experienced by Dr. Jekyll. Mary Reiley suffered a lot as a child in the hands of an abusive father and, as such, understands the evil within others and howwas harmful to her, then, as it is harmful to those that Mr. Hyde meets during the night.
The plot scenes are in dark places, Mary Reiley is invited to visit houses of ill repute in which Glenn Close plays the part of the "lady" that will allow Dr. Jekyll to engage in all sorts of evil acts while paying a good price.
We feel that Mary Reiley end loving her employer type, the first man to protect and always trust in you, and that throughthis love and acceptance of its good and bad, that inspires the evil side to put an end to all suffering. If you like mystery, suspense, horror and dark romance, this is a movie for you! While not our favorite movie type, we were thrilled by the performance. Do not miss!
Wow! anamzing really a story that will certainly keep you busy from begenning until the end. I'm not a big fan of Julia Roberts, but this movie really grabbed my attention towards her, my eyes were glued to the screen to witness his every move, every movement, every bit of his capture emotion throughout the film, which offers such a clear, beautiful performance that is simply words. A fine, fabulous performance by John Malkovich, a flesh and blood to end a realsinger and actor really. Everything from the dark atmosphere to the score certainly keep you busy enough and pay attention to some really good Performances.
... In this Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde movie. I've never been a fan of Julia Roberts, but she had perfect pitch in some key scenes. A good, if not great, moral tale.
I loved this movie since my first time I looked. The setting is so dark and mysterious and wonderful place in the charm of Dr. Jekyl and Mr. Hyde ... Julia Roberts is fantastic! If you like movies that require thinking and twists are large then this is your movie!
I am pleased to see other reviewers praising this movie underestimated. I thought I was the only person who really liked it, but I guess not. All the critics hated this rewriting national safe low-key Jekyll and Hyde. Despite the critical comments 'To the contrary, I found this a clever adaptation of the famous story.
The soft colors, with gray tones caught my attention and have been very interesting to observe. Julia Roberts was also interesting to see: no makeup, no smile, just saddark is as yet attractive.
People do not care more subtly in the movie. They want in-your-face smash-up, Gore, violent conflicts .... and lots of it. This film is very low key.
I must admit that character is difficult to believe Roberts' "Mary Reilly" would not be recognized by Jekyll Hyde (played by John Malkovich), when it has changed the appearance of the face! And, yes, the film, generally speaking, is a real downer. Yet, for some strange reason, despite the abovepoint, I recommend the movie for people who love movies and suspense slower slow, even if they have to stay a little credibility. I thought it was strangely fascinating.
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