Horror Movies Wolf Creek (Unrated Widescreen Edition)
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Wolf Creek (Unrated Widescreen Edition) Overview
Welcome to Wolf Creek, where the suspense of The Blair Witch Project meets the horror of The Texas Chainsaw Massacre. Inspired by Australia’s "Backpacker Killer" who murdered seven backpackers in the ‘90s, Wolf Creek won wide acclaim from critics, filmmakers and audience members alike at the Sundance Film Festival. Three unsuspecting hikers take off for a drive across Australia. When the trio returns from a four-hour hike to Wolf Creek National Park, they find their car is dead. Help comes in the form of big, back-slapping bushman Mick (John Jarratt). Since Mick appears to be more Crocodile Dundee than Freddy Krueger, the trio trusts him…which proves to be a grave mistake. Quentin Tarantino said, "Jarratt delivers a performance that’s destined to go down as one of the greatest film heavies of the last 25 years. "Not since the original Texas Chainsaw Massacre has terror felt so real." Ken Fox, TV Guide
Wolf Creek (Unrated Widescreen Edition) Specifications
Wolf Creek, written and directed by Greg McClean, is the Blair Witch Project of the Australian outback. Capitalizing on the human fear of becoming lost in the wilderness, in this case a desert crater called Wolf Creek National Park, this graphic horror film exploits the handheld camera to capture the grotesque actions of Mick Taylor (John Janatt), a sadistic serial killer. When a hip twenty-something guy, Ben Mitchell (Nathan Phillips), and two hippie-ish girls, Cassandra (Liz Hunter) and Kristy (Kestie Morassi), take a road trip and their car breaks down, they have no choice but to accept help from Mick, an eccentric rural Aussie, who, like a spider, tows them into his nightmarish lair. Mick hunts kangaroos and hates tourists, translating his fetish for knives, shotguns, and other torture devices into a need to kill humans as if they're vermin infesting his majestic landscape. Ample blood and gore leave the viewer feeling nearly as sick as the girls who are forced to watch each other die. Like Hannibal Lecter in The Silence of the Lambs, Mick Taylor is a savvy, calculating killer, despicable but psychologically fascinating. --Trinie Dalton
Horror Movies Customer Reviews
**** ½ out of 5
Release Date, 25 December 2005
Running Time-104-minutes
Writer/Director- Greg McLean
-Starring Cassandra Magrath, Keste Morassi, Nathan Phillips, John Jarratt as Mick Taylor
Wolf Creek has received mostly a degree of transition from horror fans, but the biggest complaint is Wolf Creek is too slow, and this kind of annoying me. Too many people complain that horror films are nowmore violence and blood and not enough set-up of the characters and that is where Wolf Creek runs from what the genre has become. Writer / director Greg McLean could have taken the easy way out and loaded the movie with violence and blood, rather than character development and the victims had no face in a movie without a face.
But instead of being filled with a number of bodies there are only three main characters and half of the film focuses on them and not really until the final40 minutes is when the action kicks in. It just bothers me that people complain about the gender is not here, yet people still feel the need to complain. I thought the first half of Wolf Creek has been excellent in creating the characters and know them and this is what elevates the 2nd half. In fact if anything I would say that the problems were more stimulation in the 2nd half rather than the first.
The screenplay by Greg McLean was solid enough, the main characters are welldeveloped and very likeable. They are as real people and that is what helps maintain strong Wolf Creek despite the lack of action. As I said McLean could have easily taken the easy way out and created a string of characters and thrown them down so creepy. But instead we have only three characters and develop, rather than being killed one by one. The bad Mick Taylor, played by John Jarratt was an excellent villain. The problem with films like Wolf Creekthe bad guys are often too nice and does not create a problem.
Mick Taylor is actually quite funny and entertaining but also really creepy and scary. And when being funny is really creepy. I suppose the best way to describe it is a bit 'like the characters of Tobe Hooper The Texas Chainsaw Massacre. Like Taylor, were funny in a really creepy. Sometimes people who are mad are really funny in the things they say and do. Not that I laugh at peoplewith mental illness, but can be fun. And Mick Taylor is fun, but there is something left in the defect and that often leads to films like Wolf Creek down is avoided.
Wolf Creek was the first film by Greg McLean and runs it like a pro, the pace of the movie was slow initially, but not in a bad way. And 'slow pace, but never boring, and time spent with the characters add much to the movie where the action kicks in McLean takes his timeGetting to the action when he could have taken the easy way out and did a splatter flick. While the characters are more developed that I found, but some of the most beautiful and feel like real people and McLean is able to create a sense of impending danger even when it is actually happening.
The second half is when the action kicks and there was a lot of hype about how scary it was, which is a sort of true. Wolf Creek was inspired by a true story and you can also see70s exploitation films and the influence and maybe I've just seen too many, but for me as I was not twisted like the one that was made out to be, but again when we have seen enough of these films becomes increasingly difficult to shock the viewer. But with that said scenes in the second half to make a fist heavy package, which has more to do with the viewer invested in the characters and when these terrible things happen to them again, which may not be as shocking, but works on a twisted levelbecause of the amount of time we spent with the characters.
McLean provides some solid suspense and tension and is able to craft some really dark scenes and the first major character to die was one of the greatest scenes of this kind has ever seen. As excellent as the scene was the strength lies more with the fact that we got to know the character. Despite all the problems I have found more pace in the second half than the first half. There were some moments in the second half which slightlydrawn, but very little. McLean manages to keep things running smoothly.
The acting is solid and the characters well, which I mentioned earlier. Nathan Phillips is solid as Ben and Cassandra Magrath as Liz and Kristy Keste Morassi as they were both sympathetic and understanding. But the real star was John Jarratt as Mick Taylor offers one of the greatest horror shows and maybe the best of the decade. As I said before the problem with a lot of these movies is the badis often too nice and while Jarratt is funny, sometimes creepy and yet again as I said before, even when he's still funny and creepy. Mick Taylor is cruel and vile and Jarratt plays the role perfectly.
The biggest complaint about Wolf Creek was the first time was too slow, I simply do not understand. Unlike many films of this type or, in general, the horror film Wolf Creek takes the time and defines the characters and this is what makes the 2nd time so powerful. Wolf Creekis just one of the best horror of the decade.
Live long enough to know that there are real monsters around us, I found Wolf Creek is a terribly disturbing but effective realistic portrait of a monster like that. I found myself in tears at the utter helplessness of these women. I felt their terror. It brought back memories of real cases, real victims who suffered unimaginable physical and mental torture by sadistic psychopaths inhumane. These things, and worse have and will happen in real life. Someone in a violent, deadlyhostage situation may be in shock, with scattered thought processes, and out of logic and can not always do what the observers believe that the only wise and obvious. Perhaps this is why fewer victims of flight, than they do. Will not soon forget this film.
Wolf Creek is a welcome addition to the modern horror film. This film is a throwback to 1970, horror movies. Will shiver, feel uncomfortable and you'll be left tighness in your gut long after viewing.
Beautiful capture isolation Outback. particularly good performance by John Jarratt who will be remembered as one of the most terrifying villains in recent history.
There is a making of the documentary record that is informative and entertaining. worthlook.
This film is not for everyone but if you enjoyed the original Texas Chainsaw Massacre and more recently Hostel. I recommend adding this to your collection.
The Texas Chainsaw Massacre (2-Disc Ultimate Edition)
Hostel (Director's Cut)
I will never forget it - this film came out in the Atlanta area on Christmas Day. It seemed intriguing, and knowing nothing of the plot, I began to see what all the fuss was about.
I left completely sickened and disgusted that ANY film company would put on this Christmas. The three dummies are captured by the villain characters are such cardboard thin that it's hard to care when the screaming begins ... but because it is loosely based on real events, it turns outyou are interested ... It is why I left before the end. I wanted to give this zero stars but Amazon does not allow this.
SPOILER ALERT: the last straw for me was Mick little maneuver he calls "the head on a stick." This involved inserting a HUGE machete in the back of the girl and deep cut in the bottom left to right ... apparently she did not kill her immediately, but paralyzed. And yes, this is complete with all necessary breaking / tearing sound you might expect. Thatwas for me - fighting back nausea, I ran to the door and left, never looking back.
I never finished the movie, and I still remember the scene above. This film is a holiday - or a movie I made about the holiday in the United States? Good God, give me "Earnest Saves Christmas" any day over this rubbish!
In truth, run, do not walk around the garbage can with this ... not worth the time.
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