Horror Movies A Perfect Getaway (Unrated Director's Cut) [Blu-ray]
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A Perfect Getaway (Unrated Director's Cut) [Blu-ray] Overview
Milla Jovovich, Steve Zahn, Timothy Olyphant and Kiele Sanchez star in this gripping suspense-thriller about an island vacation that turns deadly. Honeymooners Cliff (Zahn) and Cydney (Jovovich) are hiking a jungle trail to a remote Hawaiian beach when they hear that police have uncovered a grisly murder scene and the suspected killers are somewhere nearby. Unsure whether to stay or flee, the pair joins two other couples and things start to go horribly wrong. Far from civilization, a brutal battle for survival begins where danger lurks along every twist of the path and no one is who they seem. From director David Twohy comes the suspenseful film critics call, “a clever, heart-pounding thriller” (Peter Hartlaub, San Francisco Chronicle).
A Perfect Getaway (Unrated Director's Cut) [Blu-ray] Specifications
The good old B-movie flame burns bright in A Perfect Getaway, David Twohy's rip-snorting guessing game about a vacation gone very, very bad. It must have sounded nice in the planning stages: an isolated honeymoon trek to a remote beach on Kauai, with nothing but backpacks, Hawaiian breezes, and the occasional pleasant encounter with a fellow wayfarer on the hiking trail. That was the plan for newlyweds Cliff and Cydney, anyway, before a shocking murder in Honolulu, the night before the hike, raised the red flag of suspicion. What we're left with is six couples on a lonely trail in paradise, a murderer (but probably two murderers), and a great deal of anxiety. Cliff and Cydney are played by Steve Zahn and Milla Jovovich; Timothy Olyphant and Kiele Sanchez are a pair of friendly but vaguely disturbing trailmates; Chris Hemsworth and Marley Shelton are a downright creepy couple who won't go away. Twohy has a knack for infectious concepts (see also Pitch Black and The Arrival) and this one is grabby; he's also got a mysterious ability to play the premise straight yet somehow have a great deal of fun with it (for instance, there's much trail talk about the rules of screenwriting, which comes across as playful rather than clumsily self-conscious). The casting works, even if it's difficult for Milla Jovovich to seem in danger from anybody else in the world. Timothy Olyphant is the standout, as a former Special Ops soldier whose survival skills are impressive-bordering-on-scary. Although the film is undeniably built as a whodunit, worry less about the big "reveal" than about having a good time with fun pulp material. Come to think of it, though, the reveal is well played too. --Robert Horton
Stills from A Perfect Getaway (Click for larger image)
Horror Movies Customer Reviews
Hey, what do you know? Here's yet another "yellow" promising a stunning twist! The problem with any movie trying to out-twist The Sixth Sense or the original saw is that the possibility of such a torsion is limited. Take that knowledge in a movie where there are two pairs and one is probably a couple of psychopaths and have a 50/50 shot right out of the bag guess Which it is. When the "twist" explained the viewer is exposed in a series of flashbacks that seemserve a few purposes. First it seems that the writer / directory Twohy feels that his audience is too stupid to follow this story and, therefore, he must explain again and again for about 20 minutes in the middle of the film. The other is that maybe he realized at some point as weak and foolish the twist was and is trying to legitimize his story hoping that repetition will hypnotize the viewer into acceptance. In both cases the point of being offensive to thethe intelligence of the public. There really is not much to redeem this film in any way. The landscape is beautiful. I suppose on that note I would recommend Planet Earth: The Complete BBC Series [] Blu-ray. Timothy Olyphant is a really fun character, but that is a novelty in those days. Only has a likability factor automatically injected into the characters he has played as of late. The film drags on and turns out really embarrassing as Steve Zahn, Steve-Zahns extends itsChops as extremely limited in a cut-and-paste caricature of a man leading. Milla Jovovich gives one of his worst performances portraying a character apparently no sense of self or any justification whatsoever. It could have been worse, however, the husband of Milla could wrote and directed it. This is really a shot at a star but Olyphant get a star himself. Overall it is a waste of time.
Movie really moves along, like the slow pace of a tortoise, the acting is pretty cardboard life as a TV movie. I really like Steve Zahn, but he does not bring any comic to film, not necessarily foreseeable, but also to sense what is coming. Making the killers obviously has never been something that has worked so effectively is that they were not the murderers if that makes sense. The whole movie is basically just a mesh with semi-thriller that does not go, but where low. On anothernote, the couple wed in new movie Weds and travel the known paths is very inaccurate, especially since not go on trails with 1,000 dangerous drop off with out a guide or gears. The fact that all couples in the film are going in the same direction and do the right field line near the ocean in a storm is not quite convincing. No Rangers, no driving, no sign and really no point in going anywhere. So the big island as the murderers would be calledit end up as small, by any chance? Maybe, maybe not. But when you start to enter the meat and potatoes of the movie truly does not care either. Poor dialogue, screenplay cheese and a really horrible story make you want to escape, this movie is. What a wreck. 2 stars for the beauty of Hawaii!
I thought it would be a good shot B to see, but as it turns out that it was actually really good
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